

365英国上市官网's new West Center (OWC) is located at 1500 University Drive, 就在主校区以西两英里处. 



  • 病理生理学
  • 专业护理导论
  • 健康评估
  • 药理学
  • 专业护理实践基础
  • 循证护理实践研究
  • 成人护理1
  • 行为障碍患者的护理 & 精神健康障碍
  • 成人护理学
  • 育龄家庭的护理
  • 护理的领导
  • 社区护理 & 家庭
  • 养育子女家庭的护理
  • 护理顶点
  • NCLEX成功策略
    • 请务必查看您的房间位置

The faculty will have offices at OWC to have office hours with students onsite. 这些是共享的办公空间, so be sure to contact your instructor for an appointment or connect at class. Rooms have labels onsite with OU labels to help identify rooms we are using.

  • 戈沙·鲍曼(Malgorzata)
  • Mirovsky,蕾妮
  • 牛顿,莎拉
  • Klein Zorica
  • 保罗,茱莉亚
  • 海斯迪娜
  • 莫尔斯,莱娅
  • 哈里斯,梅根·
  • Gajewski,艾伦
  • 夏英,特蕾莎修女
  • 卡尔德隆,蒂芙尼(Tiffany)
  • 肯尼迪,艾琳 & Melissa Alfonsi (SL)
  • Grobbel,克劳迪娅
  • Holka,金 & 夏英,特蕾莎修女
  • 肯尼迪,挂钩
  • 克拉克,尼基
  • Poly-Droulard,琳达


The transportation options are private car or public transportation through 聪明的FLEX.

Two Options for 运输 using SmartFlex Bus Pass 在365英国上市官网主校区和奥克兰西中心之间

  1. 使用SmartFlex应用程序使用SmartFlex乘车选项
  2. 乘坐796号智能固定路线公交车

Click on the link below for times the 796 will stop at both OU Main campus and 奥克兰西中心:

DIRECTIONS for riding SMART Fixed Route bus from OU’s Main campus to OU’s West Center:

  • Be at the bus stop about 5 minutes prior to the expected bus arrival
  • Look for the 796 Eastbound bus and the sign at the top of the bus will read: 
    • 东行796到中心点 & 奥普戴克经西中心”
  • If the bus says 790, do not get on as this bus does not go to West Center

DIRECTIONS for riding SMART Fixed Route bus from OU’s West Center to OU’s Main campus:

  • Be at the bus stop about 5 minutes prior to the expected bus arrival
  • Look for the 796 Westbound bus and the sign at the top of the bus will read:
    • " 796西行经主校区至凤凰中心"
  • If the bus says 790, do not get on as this bus does not go to West Center.

796 route is the only route that has a stop at both West Center and Main campus. The 796 bus will stop at these two locations as well as the other stops on its route. If you have any question about whether you are boarding the right bus, 问公共汽车司机.

另一条路线, 790, also uses the stop at OU’s Main campus but does NOT go to OU’s West Center,所以。学生们不应该乘坐牌子上写着790的公交车 如果他们想去西中心的话,可以到主校区.

The Bus Tracker feature on the SMART website is not working therefore students should download the green TRANSIT app to track their bus.

Students can pick up a 31 Day pass that can be used on SMART Flex and the SMART fixed route bus at the SMTD office (207 Varner) during office hours, 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 周一至周五至2023年4月30日.   After this date, it is not guaranteed that 365英国上市官网 will provide complimentary bus passes.

Beginning November 1, 2022 students will need to activate their bus passes:

  • If a student is riding the bus and wants to use a pass that has not been activated, they simply insert the inactivated card into the card reader and the card is automatically activated.
  • If the student wants to use their pass to ride SMART Flex, they will need to activate the pass prior to booking their ride. 要做到这一点, 学生必须乘坐SMART固定路线巴士, insert the pass into the card reader and it will be activated.  Then the student can get off the bus and book their ride on SMART Flex or stay on and ride the bus.   This activation only needs to happen at the beginning of each 31 day cycle. 

Bus passes are good for 31 days after the date of activation.

  • If a student picks up their pass on November 1st and boards a bus on November 2nd and inserts the pass in the card reader, 因此激活那张卡, 那么通行证有效期到12月2日. 
  • If a student picks up their pass on November 1st but does not board a bus to activate the pass until November 15th and inserts the pass in the card reader therefore activating that pass, 那么通行证有效期到12月15日.

If there are concerns about transportation, please contact the Provost’s Office at (电子邮件保护).

有关SMART Flex的常见问题:

是的. 请致电(734)212-8429.

SMART Flex may pair riders heading in the same direction, meaning passengers might be getting picked up and dropped off throughout your ride. In order to keep things moving as quickly and efficiently as possible, they may ask you to meet them at a nearby corner instead of right outside the address you entered. That way, the driver doesn’t have to make any detours that could slow things down.

在你订了车之后, the app will display your pickup spot — SMART Flex will either give you an address or business name of your pickup spot to help you find it. Either way, there will always be a dotted line to show you how to get there!

你最多可以多带两名乘客. 每增加一名乘客的费用为2美元.

SMART Flex works on demand, so they don’t take advance bookings. Book your ride shortly before you’re ready to leave, average wait times range between 5-30 minutes. 你可以提前一小时预约. 使用该应用程序是预订乘车的最佳方式. Set a reminder to reserve your ride back to campus between classes.

如果您在预订后一分钟内取消行程, SMART Flex将免除取消的费用. 否则,他们会收你1美元. If the driver cannot locate you after the 2-minute waiting period, 你将被收取1美元的失约费.

You should re-book your ride directly in your app and then send an email explaining what happened to (电子邮件保护). 这趟车不收费.

All vehicles are branded with SMART Flex’s logo and colors, so they are easy to spot.

是的, you can inform SMART Flex that you need a wheelchair accessible vehicle (WAV) when you book your ride. Do this by tapping your profile picture or image at the top of the app menu and then tap the Wheelchair toggle to turn it on.

Once you start a ride, the destination cannot be changed. If you have not yet boarded the vehicle and you want to change your destination, then you cancel the ride and re-book with the new destination right away.

是的. 要做到这一点,只需点击应用程序菜单中的Favorites选项卡. Then tap Set Home Address or Set Work Address and type in the address of your preferred location.

Feel free to fill out the feedback screen in the app after your ride.

打开应用程序,选择“登录我”. 2 .在“密码”框中选择“忘记密码”? 按照提示操作.

电邮SMART Flex网址: (电子邮件保护) 并附上物品的描述.

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